Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Da Da. Da. Da. Another One Bites the Dust(y)

Oh, Chad Fox. You old man. You should have known better than to sign with the Cubs. You should have known that Dusty Baker would misuse you into baseball oblivion. You should have just nursed your frail arm and ridden off into the distance. What was it, Chad? Glory? Money? Fame? What made you want to come back? Dusty rode you like an old mule, pitching you in back-to-back-to-back games, and then in back-to-back games to finally destroy you. You are the Kleenex of this team, Chad, and you brought it upon yourself by not refusing to warm up when Larry Rothschild called the bullpen last night. Would it have killed you to say, "But, Larry, it's not a save situation?" Oh, Chad. May your elbow rest in pieces.


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